Chapter 3: A2I for Sustainable Agriculture: How access to information can help end hunger and promote nutrition

End hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition, and promote sustainable agriculture

Chapter 3: A2I for Sustainable Agriculture: How access to information can help end hunger and promote nutritionAccess to information has a critical role to play in achieving the targets of SDG2. Many farmers, and particularly those working on smallholder family farms, lack access to information on modern farming methods, appropriate inputs (e.g., seeds and fertilizers), market opportunities, prices, and weather forecasts. They may also be unaware of relevant agricultural laws, environmental regulations, and subsidies that could influence their farming practices. Meanwhile, governments, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), research institutions, and others can use open data that smallholder farmers provide to make positive contributions toward ensuring food security, while also holding each other accountable for SDG2 monitoring. This essay highlights twelve access to information initiatives that have helped improve agricultural production and farmer livelihoods.

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